The Silent Song Chapter 37: Luminous Beings, a star wars fanfic | FanFiction



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General Summary:

When Qui-Gon Jinn is told to take a new padawan, the Force pushes him towards a certain initiate – but when Qui-Gon is told that Obi-Wan cannot speak, he hesitates. And all the while, Palpatine moves in the shadows… Angst, fluff, adventure, humour. AU JA era. Featuring Mace Windu, Dooku, Tahl, Kit Fisto, and others! Now into Arc 5!

This chapter: Luminous beings are we. Not this gross matter. The Force always surprises.

The lovely art above was drawn by @ithiliel-the-french-tolkiendil! She’s amazingly talented and I absolutely adore her angsty take on the start of this arc (you could interpret this as a missing shadow in what was once a holophoto of friends). Look at Ezhno and Huei, so happy. And Obi-Wan…

You can find more fanart for TSS and my other stories here.

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The Silent Song Chapter 37: Luminous Beings, a star wars fanfic | FanFiction

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