The Clone Wars Timeline Be Like














you know i’m right

#not even wookiepedia has the same dates for things #so i’m just making shit up at this point #because 20bby-19bby is just a giant shitshow

that’s why i’m just fucking making Lucida’s timeline as vague as possible because god i don’t want to deal with any of that shit

How the fuck could Obi-Wan and Anakin be in all those places if all the battles were so close together chronologically?

Space travel isn’t instantaneous

….would you like to see the current document I have going?

*chinhands* I’m not done with it. I’m still trying to compile all the fucking shit they think went down in 22BBY but 21BBY is done.

And then I have to do 20BBY, and 19BBY. 

@bluemaskedkarma, I would fucking *love* to see your timeline if you want to share it, because I’m trying to figure out how long between Ahsoka leaving the Order and Order 66 and I’m weeping into my Scrivener document

Force induced time loop that everyone was too busy to notice. Only answer. Clearly another of the Sith ploys to keep the Jedi off kilter.

Make them so busy they are too busy even living everyday more than once.

Plus then the Sith know what is coming, and the Jedi’s prescience is gonna be useless. What will you being doing tomorrow? Which version of you and which version of tomorrow?! The Force requires you to be more specific

So Ground Hog day Space Edition but without a happy ending? I can dig that

Nonono, cos someone already did that and MY HEART STILL HASNT RECOVERED

Groundhog Day, but the only person that notices the time loop is the groundhog causing it

Wow, just read it. Star Wars and cycles, it fits so well. I know there’s also at least two Mustafar groundhog days fics.

Oh? What kind of premise? *curious*

Obi-Wan relieves Mustafar, of course. 🙂

I found one of them: The Fires

And the other one: Where Have We Come?

I shall read these later with a bottle of wine after this hellscape of a day

Thank you!!

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